= cimirrorfs = I had a need for a case insensitive filesystem in linux. Specifically, I wanted to have a Linux perforce client handle filenames the same way that the Windows client does. I did not want to sacrifice reliability by using something like fat32, and samba seemed like overkill with a handful of drawbacks. There is an implementation of ext3 called [http://bill.herrin.us/freebies/ ext3ci] that behaves like I want, but I was not ready to dedicate a filesystem to the cause. I ended up tearing apart a neat [http://fuse.sourceforge.net/ FUSE] filesystem that does character set conversions ([http://fuse-convmvfs.sourceforge.net/ convmvfs]) and turning it into a FUSE filesystem that mirrors another filesystem but is case preserving instead of case sensitive. I make no claims of robustness or performance, just that it met my needs and might be a useful starting point for someone with a similar problem. If the case sensitive filesystem backing a mount point has multiple files with the same name but different case, this will arbitrarily and silently choose one. A bazaar branch is available here: http://www.unprompted.com/bzr/cimirror/