
Version 6 (modified by Cory McWilliams, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Top Gear Series 16 Challenges


Dom5010 60
Frank5020 70
Padraic480 48
Aaron460 46
Anton3730 67
Ward3550 85
Cory3340 73
Chris240 24


Challenge 1: 70°F

You are invited to watch Top Gear at Cory's house
at 7pm on Monday, January 24th, 2011.

This season, we will find out whose car is the best.
This week, the best car is the one with the best climate control.

Your challenge is to arrive with your car's interior's
surface temperature at a comfortable 70°F.  You will be given
50 points for participating and lose one point for every degree
Fahrenheit you are away from the target temperature
upon arrival.

Each person's car was measured with a cheap infra-red thermometer in three places: the passenger seat back, the most central passenger-side dashboard air vent, and the side of the steering wheel at 3 o'clock. The three samples were measured, and each person received the difference between 70 and that average, rounded to the nearest integer.

It was in the ballpark of zero degrees Fahrenheit outside while measuring the results of this challenge.

Challenge 2: Music

You are invited to watch Top Gear at Cory's house
tonight at 7pm on Monday, January 31st, 2011.

You will be given points for the size of the music selection
available in your car.  Before arriving, count (or estimate,
if necessary) the number of audio tracks available to play
through your vehicle's speakers at any one time.
Assume your nation's leader has disabled all means
of Internet access.

The five people with the biggest collections get 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 points, respectively.

Challenge 3: Windows

You are invited to watch Top Gear at Cory's house
tonight at 7pm on Monday, February 7th, 2011.

Your vehicle's "windows up" grade will be determined
as follows:

score = 10 * (number of windows)^2 / (seconds to close)

We will measure how many seconds it takes to close some
number of windows in your vehicle.  Sun roofs and any other window-like pieces of glass you choose count as
long as you can operate them from inside your vehicle.
Timing will start with your selected windows fully open
and end once you have fully closed them.
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